Lycaste orchids have just about everything going for them: large, colorful, fragrant flowers, attractive foliage (in season), and easy care. Many hybrids have been created from this family of orchids that grows naturally in Central and South America. In fact, Guatemala’s national flower is Lycaste virginalis (aka skinneri), is an ancestor many times over of the orchid we’re offering here, Lycaste Nobuo, which was created by crossing a virginalis-heavy hybrid called Shoalhaven with another species, Lycaste aromatica (so named for its attractive fragrance). Lycaste Nobuo is remarkably vigorous, produces large yellow fragrant blooms on multiple flower spikes, a big showy leaves (in season). When out of bloom, the bulbs look like large succulents, so you get the best of both worlds! Growing Lycastes is simple: keep the media evenly moist, fertilize every other week with dilute fertilizer, avoid direct sun, and keep temperatures above 45 F (although occasional dips are OK). But in winter, restrict watering, as keeping them too wet during winter can result in the bulbs rotting. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: 1) older back bulbs may be wrinkled or even shriveled. This is OK! 2) Plants are NOT IN BLOOM when shipped.