Dendrodium anosmum — very fragrant pendulous deciduous easy-to-grow non-fussy orchid (not in-bud/bloom when shipped)


SKU: OI-ANOSMUM-P Categories: ,


Dendrobium anosmum is a strongly fragrant orchid species that grows naturally throughout much of tropical Asia.  It is a deciduous orchid (i.e., it will drop its leaves sometime during the year), losing its leaves prior to blooming on bare canes.  Flowers are large, around 2 to 3 inches, and come in varying shades of violet, pink, white, and combinations thereof.

Mature plants can have canes 24″ or longer, covered with blooms during blooming season.  Blooms last about two to three weeks.  Given how long the canes are, growing them mounted with the pendulous canes overhanging can make for a lovely natural-ish display.

This orchid is very easy to grow, and you might even say it’s one of those that “thrives on neglect”.  It prefers warm temperatures, but large plants can tolerate temps into the low 50s F (and probably into the 40s or even lower).

It also makes keikis (new shoots growing on the nodes of the canes) which you can plant on their own, thereby expanding your collection.  Just be sure to wait until the keikis have “hardened off” (leaves are no longer tender), which can take a couple of months.

Please note that we offer these in different sizes, ranging from seedling to Near Blooming Size to Blooming Size.  Take a look at the photos to get a sense of the size you’re purchasing.

Additional information


SD1 (SMALL SEEDLING), SD2 (LARGE SEEDLING), NBS (NearBloomSize), BS (Blooming Size)